If the version of the deployment manifest is the same as the application manifest, the document is not updated, and loading continues using the original embedded application manifest. 如果部署清单的版本与应用程序清单相同,则不会更新文档,加载过程将使用原始的嵌入式应用程序清单继续。
After the document has been updated, loading continues as usual using the new application manifest. 在更新文档之后,加载过程将使用新的应用程序清单照常进行。
SxS support – Side-by-side code was added, along with loading and finding manifest files. 边加载边寻找文件。好像是这麽翻译的。
The horizontal cyclic loading tests on SLW structures manifest the whole process from elastic to plastic, until concrete crush. 通过低周反复荷载试验揭示了短肢墙从弹性应力状态到砼开裂、钢筋屈服、直至结构破坏的全过程。
The excavation of rock slope is under the unloading conditions, and the loading conditions as before can not manifest the essential features of the slope. 认为岩石边坡开挖为卸荷条件,以往用加载岩石力学方法不能反映边坡岩体的实际力学状态。